Friday, February 13, 2009

Kharma, Juju... whatever it is, It's GOOD!

After another failed attempt at making steel-cut oats in the microwave this morning, today has turned into one of the greatest days EVER! I’m not exaggerating. Since we’re without internet at 32 Piper Lane, I woke up, gathered my things and headed to Jitter Beans, an internet café in Marlboro, NH.  Now, my first Jitter Beans experience was hardly an enjoyable one: overpriced coffee and I wasn’t allowed to plug my cranky old Mac into the wall outlet to charge (seriously! what kind of rule is that?).  But today, Jitter Beans is heaven.  In protest to the overpriced coffee, I ordered an overpriced chai instead… which ended up being absolutely delicious! Yum! After setting up my “new” Mac courtesy of Mom, that has a battery that lasts for more that 27 minutes, I instantly fed my insatiable hunger for e-mail, Facebook, and skype.  Lots of incredible news in the e-mail!

First off, a long expected e-mail from the Smith religion department approving my grant proposal! Just a small grant, $150, but it will help cover the cost of the voice/music recorder I bought to record notes and performances for my research in BA.

Next e-mail in the inbox? A reply from my home-stay mom! Her name is Celeste and she and her family sound like so much fun!  She has two kids Patricio, 20, and Barbara, 14. They both play guitar and sing and they always have friends and family over to play music.  Celeste says she loves to cook and is excited that I do to. And they have a dog! How much better could it be?!?!

Man, I have so much good to share, I’m almost shaking with excitement trying to type it all up! I also finalized this morning an opportunity to use the PRAXIS internship grant from Smith. This summer when I’m back from Argentina, I’ll be expanding my Wilderness First Responder certification to the Wilderness EMT certification! And then I get to stick around the SOLO campus and do some volunteer work with them.

I almost forgot big news from a few days ago! My Smith friends called on Wednesday to let me know we got an on-campus apartment for next year! Me and three of my closest friends at Smith will all be living together with our own kitchen too! B3! B3! B3!

This morning was absolutely fantastic and just what I needed to really get me in the mood to travel and be so so excited.  I feel that I have so much to look forward to and there’s so much coming my way I can’t wait to just eat it all up.

Next time I post I’ll be in BA!

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